
Dimanche 31 janvier 7 31 /01 /Jan 00:43
Par dany_x - Publié dans : soft - Communauté : les jeunes exhibes
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Samedi 30 janvier 6 30 /01 /Jan 22:21




Philip Fusco's Official Tumblr

This lock+chain was heavy and I felt kinda awkward, but thanks to Hans Fahrmeyer I think the photo turned out pretty sexy. Thoughts?


Workout Wednesday! Go outside and be active today. Shed a few pounds before packing them on tomorrow. :) #PreThanksgivingWorkout



Thankful that I’ve been able to work in this industry for so long. And thankful to all of you for supporting me!



Anyone wanna take a ride? #TBT



I’m planning LOTS of content for the new year for I can’t wait for you all to see it. 


Happy Sunday!



Throwback Thursday. I’m slowly but surely revamping and adding to What do you all wanna see on my website? Open to suggestions!




Who’s hitting those weights today? Let’s start the week off right!



Did everyone have a good Halloween? What’d you do? Is Halloween over or are the celebrations continuing through the weekend?? :)




It’s last minute, but I’m trying to throw together a Halloween costume. Can you PLEASE reblog this and leave me suggestions!?


Throwback Thursday. I looked so different just 4 short years ago, don’t you think? #tbt #babyfuscoIt’s a colorful undies kind of day! What are your favorite underwear on men? Favorite brands I should check out? 


What a waste of a tank lol. What are you all being for Halloween this year? I need some ideas!!


TBT photo by Richard Gerst


I hope everyone’s having a great weekend. Who’s working out today? What are your fitness goals for the weekend?


A #TBT photo by my friend Photos by Michael Thomas… I look like a child! How old do you think I am here?


man-lust: The ever beautiful Philip Fusco. Just a little photoshopping to this gorgeous model. I certainly don’t remember taking a photo like this haha. :) Thanks for the awesome photoshop work.





Who’s hitting the gym today?? You want a hot body? You better…. What fitness questions/topics do you all want me to post about? Reblog and leave your answer in the comments! More posts coming soon. :)

I look like a baby here! Haha. #tbt


I don’t always take gym selfies, but when I do… I definitely make sure no one’s watching lol #happyhumpday

Have you worked out today? What are you waiting for? If you didn’t wake up early enough to go before work, are you going to go after? Excuses won’t bring results. Don’t skip days. Make it a HABIT to go to the gym. 



Wow! Right now I’m tied for first place in Underwear News Briefs’ Favorite Model competition thanks to you all! Today’s the last day to vote and you can vote as many times as you want. Any suggestions how I should thank my fans if I win? VOTE:






I’m finding so many old photos on here! Haha








Par dany_x - Publié dans : soft - Communauté : les jeunes exhibes
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Samedi 30 janvier 6 30 /01 /Jan 01:12

a jean story (12)



01-helix-academy-scandal-with-evan-parker-and-ryker-madison (2).jpg
01-helix-academy-scandal-with-evan-parker-and-ryker-madison (1).jpg








Jessie Montgomery and Matthew Keating Hot Twink Sex

Jessie Montgomery and Matthew Keating Hot Twink Sex

Jessie Montgomery and Matthew Keating Hot Twink Sex

Mick Lovell and Florian Nemec



Happy Ending Massage


Kissing Cousins


Kissing Cousins


Roman Daniels and Jasper Robinson Naked Shower Twinks


Roman Daniels and Jasper Robinson Naked Shower Twinks


Forever Lukas -Lukas Ridgeston & Kevin Warhol


Forever Lukas -Lukas Ridgeston & Kevin Warhol



Lukas Ridgeston Fucks Jack Harrer Bareback


Forever Lukas - Scene 2 Kris Evans & Jack Harrer


Forever Lukas - Scene 2 Kris Evans & Jack Harrer

Forever Lukas Scene 1 - Kevin Warhol & Gino Mosca


An American in Prague 3D Remake

An American in Prague 3D Remake





classic man (1)








Par dany_x - Publié dans : soft - Communauté : les jeunes exhibes
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