
Mardi 14 juin 2 14 /06 /Juin 22:54

Printing Made In Brazil 6. The new issue is already out! @alecambrosio @stewartshining

lucafinotti: “ @AndreZiehe in #TRITON, new @LucaFinotti ‘s film for @MadeInBrazil #6 out now on @Models.Com! All clothes are custom made by...




@stewartshining It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it.




André Ziehe shooting Triton with @lucafinotti in New York. Watch the film at




Ricardo Figueirdo @requestmodels by @gmvaughan and @stylistnicknelson for Made In Brazil 6.

Behind the scenes of the cover shoot for Made In Brazil 6 with @alecambrosio @diegofragosonyc @paboud Caio Cesar and Bruce Machado.

@mateusbverdelho by @mr_simnch and @helenomanoel for the new issue of Made In Brazil Magazine.




Made In Brazil 6 preview now live @modelsdot!





Countdown to the new Made In Brazil: Rafael Lazzini by @stewartshining for issue 4.


Countdown to the new Made In Brazil: Diego Miguel in @armaniexchange by @stewartshining and @mr_wein for issue # 4.



David Martins at @requestmodels by @gmvaughan. More on the blog today.Martin Luis by Cristiano Madureira. More on the blog today.




@stewartshining remember this?

Danilo Borgato at Wilhelmina by @gmvaughan.






Emanuel Picoli by Cristiano Madureira.


Blast from the past: swimmers by Cristiano Madureira for Made In Brazil 2. (Taken with Instagram)





Pedro Aboud by @gmvaughan. (Taken with Instagram)LAB by @rafaellazzini and @alexandrelazzini at


Newcomer Frederico Jobim by Cristiano Madureira. (Taken with Instagram)



Happy birthday to Marlon @marlontx! First picture we did together. (Taken with Instagram)Newcomer Rafael Desimon by Cristiano Madureira. Obsessed! (Taken with Instagram)

André Ziehe @fordmodels. (Taken with Instagram)


William Jagnow @requestmodels. (Taken with Instagram)

@marcospitombo by @gmvaughan. More pictures on the blog today. (Taken with Instagram)



@samyrfuly mandou muito hoje. (Taken with Instagram)


Diego Schibeloske. (Taken with Instagram)





From Made In Brazil 4: Rodrigo Calazans by @stewartshining. (Taken with Instagram)





Adrian Cardoso by Cristiano Madureira.


Casting hoje: Lucas Medeiros. (Taken with Instagram)


Casting hoje: Lucas Medeiros. (Taken with Instagram)

Made In Brazil 5 outtake: Lucas Bernardini by @helenomanoel and Marcelo Krasilcic. (Taken with Instagram)



Made In Brazil 5 outtake: Alex, Arthur, and two Rodrigos in @bluemanbrasil by @stewartshining and @mrbradgoreski. Get a copy at (Taken with Instagram)

Made In Brazil 3 by @stewartshining and @gregorylives. Such a fun shoot! (Taken with Instagram)


Made In Brazil 5 outtake: Diego Miguel by Marcelo Krasilcic. (Taken with Instagram)


Made In Brazil 5 outtake: Rodrigo Braga by @gmvaughan. (Taken with Instagram)



Diego Miguel by Marcelo Krasilcic for Made In Brazil 5. Get a copy at (Taken with Instagram)More of Rodrigo Braga shooting Made In Brazil 5 in NY. Jeddi hi-tops by @aingelmo and pants by Bernard Willhelm. (Taken with Instagram)Happy birthday to @calaza and @diegoschibeloske! Picture by @stewartshining for Made In Brazil 5. (Taken with Instagram)

Behind the scenes of Made In Brazil 5 with Alex Cunha sparkling in @muglerlive. (Taken with Instagram)


Cauã na Made In Brazil 5. (Taken with Instagram)Made In Brazil 5 cover with Rodrigo Braga by Marcelo Krasilcic. Already available at Casa/Global News in NY! (Taken with Instagram)Made In Brazil 5 na gráfica. (Taken with Instagram)



Going bananas! Alex Cunha in @bluemanbrasil by @stewartshining and @mrbradgoreski for Made In Brazil 5! (Taken with instagram)



Lucas Bernardini por Marcelo Krasilcic e @helenomanoel para Made In Brazil #5. (Taken with instagram)Francisco Lachowski by @lucafinotti for Made In Brazil. Watch the video at! (Taken with instagram)


Diogo Bordin no desfile da @bluemanbrasil. #fashionrio (Taken with instagram)



Rudinei. @requestmodels is killing it with the Brazilian boys. (Taken with instagram)




Rodrigo Braga at @requestmodels. (Taken with instagram)

Lucas Bernardini. (Taken with instagram)


Felipe Anibal at @requestmodels. (Taken with instagram)


Rafael Lazzini.


Happy Valentine’s Day. Picture by the amazing @stewartshining. (Taken with instagram)“ Diego Miguel by Stewart Shining | Made in Brazil ”
William Jagnow @requestmodels por @gmvaughan. (Taken with instagram)
shining: “ Don’t look Rodrigo! ”
1, 2, 3, 4. (Taken with instagram)
@stewartshining looking forward to another round of craziness and six-packs galore! (Taken with instagram)
Rodrigo Braga at @requestmodels by @gmvaughan. Love it!!! (Taken with instagram)
shining: “ Rafael Lazzini ”
Alex Cunha shooting the new @armaniexchange campaign in NY today. Love!!! (Taken with instagram)
Marlon Teixeira by Italo Gaspar at São Paulo Fashion Week.
Less than 25 copies of Made In Brazil #4 now in stock. (Taken with instagram)
Diego, Marlon, and Rodrigo in Made In Brazil #4. (Taken with instagram)


throughjuleslens: “ Diego Fragoso ”


Marcos and Marcio Patriota by Stewart Shining. (Taken with instagram)


shining: “ Aw hell, since we’re showing skin today… @blogmib Caio, Diego and Marlon, the new Linda, Christy and Naomi! ”



Made In Brazil 4 outtake: Rafael Lazzini and Evandro Soldati by Stewart Shining. #nofilter (Taken with instagram)




Anderson Weisheimer by Milan Vukmirovic in Fashion For Men. (Taken with instagram)




Casting na Ford: Lucas Bernardini. (Taken with instagram)

Andre Watson at François Models. (Taken with instagram)




The twins. (Taken with instagram)



A little treat from @stewartshining. (Taken with instagram)


Mateus Lages.



Postei varias fotos do making of da Made In Brazil 4 no blog! (Taken with instagram)






Begind the scenes at Made In Brazil 4 with Mateus Lages. (Taken with instagram)


Show cards da François Models. (Taken with instagram)




Leonardo Alberici @way_model. (Taken with instagram)


Behind the scenes at Made In Brazil 4 with Caio, Diego, and Marlon. (Taken with instagram)


modelsdot: “ Made In Brazil #4 Preview on MDX ”




Leonardo Windlin shooting Made In Brazil 4 in New York. (Taken with instagram)


We (heart) Chico and Marlon for @armaniexchange. (Taken with instagram)


Evandro Soldati by Cristiano Madureira for Made In Brazil 4. (Taken with instagram)
 (Taken with instagram)


Shooting Made In Brazil 4 with Mateus Lages. (Taken with instagram)


Diego Miguel na Made In Brazil 4. (Taken with instagram)


It’s here!!!! (Taken with instagram)Olha o que chegou aqui! Dose dupla de @diegomiguel28! (Taken with instagram)



Less than a week to release number 4! (Taken with instagram)






So mais uma semana pro lancamento da Made In Brazil 4! (Taken with instagram)




Mateus, Leonardo, and Anderson. (Taken with instagram)


By @stewartshining. Get ready for Made In Brazil Magazine 4 coming in a month. (Taken with instagram)



Felipe Anibal photographed by Jr. Becker.




Diego Miguel.


Rafael Lazzini.






“ Marlon Teixeira by Dimitris Theocharis ”



Francisco Lachowski for F.Tape.


Arthur Sales. Michael Bastian S/S 2012.



Felipe Roque and Marlon Teixeira by Terry Richardson.



Marlon Teixeira photographed by Cristiano Madureira.


Shooting Made In Brazil Magazine 3 in New York with Thiago Santos, Gabriel Burger, and Francisco Lachowski.Marlon Teixeira photographed by Cristiano Madureira.




Igor Monteiro photographed by Marcio Carvalho.


Renan Coutinho at 40 Graus Models.



Raphael Sander.



Yuri Bex photographed by Cristiano Madureira.


Yuri Bex photographed by Cristiano Madureira.






Igor Monteiro.



terrysdiary: “ Murilo Rezende R.I.P. ”




Bernardo Velasco photographed by João P. Teles.



Marlon Teixeira, Diego Miguel, and Romulo Pires photographed by Stewart Shining and styled in Givenchy by Gregory Wein for Made In Brazil Magazine #3.


Diego Fragoso. Armani Exchange.




Jon Kortajarena photographed by Terry Richardson for Sergio K.





Isac Fioravante photographed by Martin Traynor.



ohmyfrancisco: “ Francisco Lachowski in the August 2011 issue of U+Mag. Ph: Shirley Yu. ”




Pedro Aboud photographed by Lucio Luna.




Fabrício Bach photographed by Cristiano Madureira for Made In Brazil Magazine #3.






Lucas Bernardini.



Francisco, Marlon, and Alessandra.





Lucas Bernardini.



Lucas Bernardini photographed by Luiz Matos.








Francisco, Alessandra, Marlon. A|X Premium Denim.







Francisco Lachowski for F.Tape.


Rômulo Arantes Neto in Leblon.


André Ziehe and Rafael Lazzini photographed by Stewart Shining and styled by Gregory Wein for Made In Brazil Magazine #3.


Antonio Bevilacqua photographed by Michael Willian and styled by Heleno Manoel.


Francisco Lachowski and Gabriel Burger.




Antonio Kikoler photographed by Italo Gaspar.



Antonio Kikoler photographed by Italo Gaspar.





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